Michael J. Messina

  • Professor
    Marketing Program
  • Professor
    Graduate Business Studies

Dr. Michael J. Messina was recognized with the "Distinguished Faculty Award" in 2020 for his many years of dedication to Gannon University through his Teaching, Scholarship, and Serive to the University and the Erie Community..  Dr. Messina was also awarded the "Distinguished Fellow" by the Marketing Management Association in 2017, by his peers, for more than a decade of service to the MMA Profession. Dr. Messina's many contributions were recognized at the MMA Spring Conference which was held in Chicago, IL in 2017.


Graduate Courses

GMBA 651    Strategic Marketing Management

GMBA 753    Marketing Research

GMBA 793    Marketing in the US and UK (travel to London)

GMBA 531   Management and Marketing Concepts

GMBA 752   Consumer Behavior

GMBA 791   Marketing Ethics

GMBA 631   Organization Theory

GMBA 795   MBA Thesis

GMBA 799   Business Policy (online)

Undergraduate Courses

MKTG 410  Marketing Research

MKTG 450  Marketing Management

MKTG 300 Consumer Behavior

MKTG 399 Marketing Ethics

MKTG 350 Organizational  Marketing

BCOR 480 Experiential Learning

BCOR 241 Principles of Marketing

TECH 300 Technical Selling

SMPT 100 Introduction to Business








             John Carroll University  BSBA

             Youngstown State University  MBA

             Kent State University  PhD

             Dissertation: "A Longitudinal Study of Alcohol Advertising: a Multivariate Analysis Addressing

                                     Business and Social Exchange"

1982-present             Gannon University

2011 - 2019                Professor of Marketing & MBA Director

2011 to 2018               Professor of Marketing & Director of Graduate Programs -- School of Business--

2010                           Professor of Marketing &  Director of the Marketing Program

2000 to 2009              Associate Professor of Marketing & Director of the Marketing and Business Administration Programs 

2002-2006                  Director of the Dahlkemper School of Business Administration

Sept 2000 - Apr-2001 Interim Director of the Small Business Development Center   

1992 - 1998                Director of the Industrial Distribution Program  (a joint Business and Engineering Degree)

1997 - 1998                Director of the Business Administration Program  

1982                           Assistant Professor of Marketing

1980 to 1982      Kent State University, Ashtabula, Ohio

                           Instructor in Business


1976 to 1980     Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company • (J&L Steel Corporation)

                          (LTV Corporation)    Marketing Department

                          Youngstown, Ohio     



             Marketing Management Association  -                          Board Member  2005 -present

             American  Marketing Association  -                               1983 - present

             Marketing Management Journal   -                                Associate Editor  2010 - present

             National Association of Supply Chain Management  1990 - present

            Academy of Marketing Science                                      1984- 2012



Messina, M.J. and Zimmerman, M. A., "The Importance for Colleges and UniversitiesTeaching both Marketing and Operations Management Courses to Effectively Link the Material with a Course in Supply Chain Management",Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, North American Business Press, 18(7), 2018..


Messina, M.J., Guiffrida, A.L., and Wood, G.

"Faculty/Practitioner Differences:  Skills Needed for Industrial Marketing

Entry Positions."  Industrial Marketing Management, Elsevier Science

Publishing Co., Inc., February 1994.





Messina, M and Wellington, J
  “Setting the Best Found Result: Project Experience with
   Scheduling Customer Deliveries” Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s
   Conference Santa, Fe. NM, September, 2019. 

Messina, M, Geringer, S, Aurand, T., Panel Session - 
  “Practical Implications of Teaching Philosophies”
    Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s Conference, Santa Fe, NM.,
    September, 2019.

Messina, M.
   “Teaching Philosophies in Higher Education Similarities and Differences  
    Between Graduate and Undergraduate Expectations”, Marketing Management
    Association Fall Educator’s Conference Santa Fe, NM, September, 2019.

Wellington, J., Messina, M. J., Lewis, S. A., Guiffrida, A. J.
   “Teaching the Vehicle Routing Problem:  A Pedagogical Contribution”
    MBAA International Conference, Chicago, IL, March, 2019.

Messina M, and M. Zimmerman, "The Importance for Colleges and Universities Teaching Both Marketing and Operations Management Courses to Effectively Link the Material with a Course in Supply Chain Management", Marketing Management Association Fall Educator's Conference, Kansas City, MO., September, 2018.


Messina, M. Published Panel Presentation, "A Study Abroad Experience For MBA Students"

Marketing Management Association Fall Educator's Conference, Kansas City, MO, September, 2018.


Messina M, S. Geringer, A. Bennett, and T. Lowe, Panel Session – “Challenges and Opportunities Serving as a Department Chair or Director”    Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s Conference,   Pittsburgh, PA., September, 2017.

Messina M., J. Evans, A. Hutto, A. Cooper, Panel Presentation – “Benefits and  Challenges of Using Students for Client-Based Projects” ,Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s Conference,  Providence Rhode Island, September, 2016.

Messina M, Panel Participant – Teaching online and in class:  the challenges that occur.   Marketing Management Association 52nd Annual Spring Conference, Chicago, IL  2016.

Messina M, A. Campbell, D. Clayson, (2015) “Evaluating Student Peer Presentations” Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s Conference, San Juan Puerto Rico,   September, 2015.

Messina M and S. Geringer (2015) “When Faculty are Caught in the Middle of Unethical Practices”, Marketing Management Association 51st Annual Conference, Chicago, IL., April., 2015

Messina, M   Published Panel Presentation – Teaching Critical Thinking in a Marketing Ethics Course,   Fall Marketing Educators Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 2014.

Session Chair, “Using Technology in the Classroom” – Marketing Educators Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 2014

Lewis Stephen A, Messina, Michael J. and Wellington, J.  "Social Media Survey of Marketing Students",

MBAA 50th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 2014. 


Messina, M.J., Kunz, M.A., Geringer, S.A., Vanderschee 

Refereed Panel Presentation,  “What Are We Doing to Market Our Marketing Program”  Marketing Management Association MBAA 49th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 2013.


 Messina, M.J., Kunz, M.A. and Geringer, S. Published Panel Presentation,

“Online versus Face2Face Classes:  The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” Marketing Management Association MBAA 49th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 2013.


Guiffrida, A.L., Messina, M.J. and Wellington, J.F., Lewis, S.  “A Delivery Performance Model For

Multi-Stage Supply Chains”  MBAA 48th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. April, 2012.


Messina, M.J. “Millennial Students:  Can Educators Connect with this New Generation?

MMA 19th Fall Educators’ Conference, St. Louis, MO. September, 2011.


Messina, M.J. and Guiffrida, A. L.  “Making the Connection Between Supply Chain Management and a Business Curriculum that Offers Marketing and Management Majors” MBAA 47th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April, 2011.


Messina, M.J.  “Integrating Marketing,  Supply Chain, and Operations Practices in Today’s Business Curriculum”, Marketing Management Association 18th Fall Educators’ Conference, Indianapolis, IN September 2010.


Guiffrida, A.L. and Messina, Michael J., Wellington, J. “Maintaining Customer Satisfaction in Complex Supply Chains” MMA 17th Annual Conference, Chicago IL April, 2010. --Award winning paper--


Guiffrida, A.L. and Messina, Michael J. “Service Supply Chains with Independent and

Dependent Stages:  The Impact on Consumer Wait Times”, CORS/INFORMS International Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June, 2009.


Messina, M.J., Guiffrida, A.L., Wellington, J.

“Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Diversity, and Global Business Education”, Proceeding of the 45th Annual MBAA Conference, Chicago, Il, March, 2009  


Guiffrida, Alfred L. and Messina, Michael J. “A Cost-Based Model for Improving Customer Waiting Times”, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii,  January 5-7, 2009.


Guiffrida , Alfred, Messina, MJ, Jaber, Mohamad Y,

“A Parametric Supply Chain Model for Assessing Market Share Potential”, October, 2008, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


Messina, M.J.

“Evaluating University Student Team Projects”, 16th Annual Fall Marketing Educators Annual Conference, Louisville, Ky. September 24-26, 2008.


Messina, M.J. and Wellington, J., “The Marketing Implications of Assessing the Value of Real Estate”, Marketing Management Association MBAA 17th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL April, 2008.  Award Winning Paper --


Messina, M.J. and Wellington, J., “Relationship Marketing and Measuring the Cost of Life Style”, Marketing Management Association MBAA 16th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March, 2007.


Messina, M.J., Wellington, J. and Slabaugh, S.

Special Panel Session on “Doing Business in China

MBAA 16th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, March 2007.


Messina, M.J.

“Using Teaching Evaluations Effectively

Marketing Management Association Fall Educator’s 13th Annual Conference

Nashville, Tennessee, September, 2006.


Messina, M.J. chair,  Kunz, M., Erffmeyer, R., & Wellington, J.

“Encouraging an Interest and Use of Technology by Business Faculty and Students”

Marketing Management Association (MBAA International) 15th Annual Conference

Chicago, Illinois, March, 2006


Messina, M.J. and Wellington, J.

“Exchange Theory and Alcohol Advertising”  

Marketing Management Association (MBAA International) 14th Annual Conference,

Chicago, Illinois, March, 2005


Messina, M.J. and Wellington, J.

“Alcohol Consumption, Advertising, and the Theory of Exchange”

The Academy of Marketing Science 24th Annual International Conference Proceedings

San Diego, California, May, 2001


Messina, M.J, Wellington, J. and Narula, S.

“Forecasting Domestic Beer Consumption”

INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences

Salt Lake City, Utah 15th Annual International Conference, May, 2000.


Messina, M.J. and Volpe, R.J.

"A Comparative Analysis Between Industrial Marketers and Consumer Marketers

Concerning Ethical Marketing Practices", Proceedings of the 1st Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Annual Meeting, Hilton Head, South Carolina, 1993.


Messina, M.J. and Guiffrida, A.L.

"Quality Control Techniques in Services Marketing"

Proceedings of the International Conference on Services Marketing, Academy of

Marketing Science, Cleveland, Ohio, October, 1988.


Messina, M.J. and Guiffrida, A.L.

"A Comparative Analysis Between Industrial Marketing Faculty and Industrial

Marketing Practitioners: Criteria Viewed Important In The Recruitment of Four

Year Marketing Graduates," Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the

Academy of Marketing Science, Montreal, Canada, May, 1988.


Guiffrida, A.L., Messina, M.J., and Rzepka, R.J.

"Designing Acceptance Sampling Plans With Lotus 1-2-3," Midwest Decision

Science Institute, Proceedings, 19th Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, May, 1988.


Messina, M.J

"Recruiting A New Marketing Graduate:  What Criteria Are Important For Today's

Industrial Marketing Manager?"  X, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference

of the Academy of Marketing Science, Bal Harbour, Florida  May, 1987




Guiffrida, A.J., Rzepka, R.A., and Messina, M.J.

"A Dual-Criteria Performance Evaluation Model for Vendors Under JIT", 

pp. 213-224, Ahmit Satir (ed.), Just-In-Time Manufacturing Systems

Operational Planning and Control Issues, Elsevier Publishers, London "

New York - Tokyo, Vol. 14, 1992.  






December, 2011, Excelsior College Invited Test Bank contributor for Principles of Marketing,  

Sage Publishers.


February, 2005, Invited contributor for a peer reviewed marketing research exam with questions developed within my area of expertise in marketing for the ASME, American Society of Mechanical Engineers exam.   These original blind reviewed marketing research questions were used to develop a standardized exam for engineering students seeking professional certification as managers. 


VIDEO PRODUCTION: Developed and Edited an Industrial Distribution video presentation with local industry support that was used for student recruitment and corporate informational purposes regarding an interdisciplinary business and engineering degree. 1994-1995 academic year     





 Michael J. Messina, Ph.D.

“Marketing Essentials for Today’s Business” presentation made to the

 7th Annual Tool and Die Seminar in Meadville, Pa., 2002.


 Messina, M.J.

"Integrating Business and Engineering: The Industrial Distribution Program." 

Western Marketing Educators' Association, 18th Annual Conference

Scottsdale, Arizona, 1994.




Educational teaching contribution "Making Students Aware of Legal Developments in Marketing", published in Great Ideas For Teaching Marketing by Hair, Lamb and McDaniel, Southwestern Publishing Company, 1994, 1996 and 1999.




Sustainable Enterprise  a Macromarketing  Approach, Peterson, Sage Publisher, 2014.


Consumer Behavior, Kardes, Cronley and Cline, Cengage Publishers, 2012.


Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Sheth, Prentice-Hall Publishers, 2006.


Consumer Behavior, 2nd Edition, Arnould, Wiley-Irwin Publishers, 2003.


Purchasing, 1st Edition, by Giunipero and Kolchin, Harcourt Brace Publishers, 2000.


Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments, Kerin and Peterson, Macmillan Publishers, 1999.


Marketing Strategy: Relationships, Offerings, Resource Allocation, and Timing,

D. Sudharshan, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1994.


Consumer Behavior, John C. Mohen, Third Edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993.


Retail Management A Strategic Approach, Barry Berman and Joel R. Evans, Fifth

Edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993.


Industrial and Organizational Marketing, by Michael H. Morris, Merrill

Publishing Company, 1988, 1992.





Chair, Middle States Steering Committee • with responsibilities to survey the

Gannon University Board and tabulate and analyze the responses.  Was responsible for completing the Middle States Steering Report with included the results of a mail survey distributed to all board members. 2002 - 2003


Senior Student Focus Group Interviews • studies conducted during the

1999 - 2000 academic years


Freshman Focus Group Project • a longitudinal study conducted from 1997 through 2001 with the purpose of defining the key likes and concerns of freshman students.  This project was intended to increase the University retention rate.



Telephone survey research study conducted for Erie Exports Limited by the Gannon University Marketing Club, May • 2005


A research study conducted for The Erie Sport Store with MBA students to determine the extent and variety of local competition.    • 1995


A research study conducted for Lord Corporation to determine customer preferences and levels of satisfaction with MBA students • 1993  


Study conducted for Alpha Kappa PSI business fraternity in determining how a Gannon University student’s GPA correlated to employment hours worked per week • 1986


Service to the Profession , Service to the University, Service and to the Community




Served as a faculty case judge for the International 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, American Marketing Association AMA Student Case Competition.


 Judge for "Hormel Best Teacher Award" 2009 - Present,  Awarded annually at the MMA Annual Conference





Conference Track Chair, Discussant, Session Chair, Organizing Committee and/or Paper Reviewer for the following:


MMA  Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 2013. 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018


MMA  Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 2012.


MMA  Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 2011


International Symposium on Green Supply Chain1st Annual Conference, Akron Ohio, July, 2010.


MMA Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 2010


MMA Marketing Management Association 18th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 2009


MMA Marketing Management Association 16th Annual Fall Educator’s Conference, Louisville, KY September, 2008


Midwest Decision Sciences Institute 39th Annual Conference, Erie, PA., February, 2008


MBAA Marketing Management Association  Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 2007


MMA Marketing Management Association  Annual Fall Educators Conference, Nashville, TN 2006


MBAA Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 2006


MBAA Marketing Management Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 2005


Decision Science Institute 35th DSI Annual Conference, Boston, MA 2004


Academy of Marketing Science 26th Annual Conference, Miami, FL 2003


Academy of Marketing Science 24th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. May 2001


INFORMS 15th International Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. May 2000


Western Marketing Educators 24th Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada 2000


Academy of Marketing Science 23rd Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada 2000


Academy of Marketing Science 22nd Annual Conference, Coral Gables, Florida 1999


Western Marketing Educators' Association 21st Annual Conference, Scottsdale,

Arizona 1997


Western Marketing Educators' Association 19th Annual Conference, San Diego,

California 1995


Academy of Marketing Science 18th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida 1995


Academy of Marketing Science 17th Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee 1994


Western Marketing Educators' Association 18th Annual Conference, Scottsdale,

Arizona. 1994.


Academy of Marketing Science 16th Annual Conference, Miami, Florida 1993


Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1st Annual Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina. 1992.


Academy of Marketing Science 11th  Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada 1988




Council of Independent Colleges Workshop for Deans and Directors

Issues in Higher Educations - Representing the Gannon School of Business

Mitchell, Kentucky • June 14-17, 2004


Leadership Erie • Training Seminar for Nonprofit Organizations   Spring, 2001

                             seminar was used to develop the MBA course in Nonprofit  Marketing     


Gannon University • Grant Writing Tools Workshop    Fall, 2000


Gannon University • The Basics of Grant Writing Seminar   Summer, 1999


Gannon University • Faculty Computer Workshops 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007


Total Quality Management Training Seminar • 1993-1994 academic year

Erie Chamber of Commerce co-Sponsor with Gannon University


“Developing The Annual Marketing Plan” 1988

Seminar Sponsored by The University of Pittsburgh • presented by

Dr. Edward Mazze, Dean of The University of Pittsburgh School of Business


Select Contributions to the Erie Community


2010 - present Erie Dawn Board Member (Dwelling Advocacy for Women in Need)


2009  - 2017 NAMI Board Member .. National Alliance on Mental Illness


2008   Erie Insurance Segmentation Survey involving Gannon University students


2006    Assisted with the questionnaire development to survey attitudes toward the Erie 

            golf courses.


1998    Mentored MBA student projects to assist local businesses and nonprofits.




2005     Moderated a focus group session composed of Erie area professionals to assist a

             Small Business Development Center client that requested exploratory input from

             a diverse population on a new type of senior living facility.


2005     Participated in a community initiative representing the Dahlkemper School of

             Business along with National City Bank to conduct a seminar on

              Identity Fraud” that was held on the Gannon University campus.


2000    Community Shelter Services Annual Recognition Luncheon ? Presentation “CSS:  

            A Brighter Tomorrow through Service Efforts Today.”


1999    Community Shelter Services Annual Recognition Dinner Presentation “Where

            Will CSS and Homelessness Be in the New Millennium?”


1998    Community Shelter Services Annual Recognition Dinner, Presentation on  

            “The Impact of Homelessness in the Erie Community”


1984     Conduct tours and educational sessions of local and regional industrial and

    to      non profit organizations as Advisor to the Gannon Chapter of the American

present  Marketing Association


1997      Moderator for a longitudinal focus group survey of Gannon University

   to        freshman within the College of Humanities, Business and Education



1998    Coordinated all-day career interviewing sessions for Gannon business graduates

             in conjunction with the Gannon Placement Office for the American Tobacco Company.


1997     Supervise tours of local industrial firms with Gannon Marketing Club including:

 to        General Electric Company, Lord Corporation, Howard Industries, Troyer Farms    

present  and Reed Manufacturing.


1996    Presentation on "Business Careers" at North East High School, North East, PA.


1995   Supervised a market research study for a local Erie sports retailer conducted by             

           Gannon MBA students • assisting with market segmentation and research               

           methodology. This study made recommendations on retail location that was

           successfully implemented in 2003.


1994   Presentation of the Industrial Distribution Program and ID career

           opportunities to Erie Area Guidance Counselors.


1994   Presentation to students at Corry High School, "An Industrial Distribution

           Career:  Combining Business and Engineering”.



1984     Organize and supervise student educational tours to a variety of industries

    to      including Honda U.S.A., Columbus, Ohio;  Lord Corporation, Erie,    

present  Pa.; General Electric Nela Park, Cleveland Ohio; General Electric Locomotive 

             Division, Erie, PA; and American Sterilizer (Steris Corporation); just to identify

                a few select examples.


1993      Supervised and consulted on an industrial market research study conducted with                         

              MBA students for Lord Corporation, Erie, Pa.


1993       Participated in Erie engineering trade shows promoting and recruiting for

    to     Gannon University's Industrial Distribution (technical marketing) Program.



1990    Initiated book donation drives to strengthen the holdings of the business 

    to     collection of Gannon University’s Nash Library.



1988   "The Career Search" Presentation made to the Gannon Chapter of the

            American Marketing Association as well as other Gannon business students.


1987    Established and developed with departmental colleagues, the first

Marketing Department at Gannon University. 


1986    Arranged all day interviewing sessions for graduating marketing students with  

            Beecham Corporation and Premier Industrial Corporation resulting in the    

            hiring of several Gannon business students for these firms.


1986   Presentation on the career opportunities in the Marketing field to the Erie area high     

           school guidance counselors.


1986   Presentation on careers paths in Marketing and Business for the Boy Scouts of

           America held on the campus of Gannon University.


1985   Represented the School of Business by participating with enrollment services in  

           out-of-town recruiting presentations to high school students. 


1985    Presented radio broadcasts for WERG, Gannon University's radio station, on

the topics "The Career Search" and "The Importance of University Involvement"


Supervised business fraternity students on a study determining how a

student’s GPA was influenced by hours worked while attending

Gannon University.


1983     Co-founder and current faculty advisor to the Gannon Student Chapter of the

   to       American Marketing Association involving students in a variety of

present  educational experiences and professional business opportunities. 




2010 - present, Erie Dawn Board Member  Dwelling Advocacy for Women in Need 


2009 to 2017 - NAMI Board Member, National Alliance on Mental Illness


2009       Marketing research study conducted with a colleague in partnership with major

               insurance corporation to determine college student insurance needs.


2004       Presentations to various high schools representing the School of Business

 to           in partnership with ACES.



2005       Participated on a three person faculty panel of judges representing Gannon

               University in conjunction with WICU television to select a student to earn a

               tuition free Gannon MBA based on the completion of tasks and assignments. 


2002       As faculty advisor to the Gannon University Marketing Club, our student

organization achieved recognition in earning a community achievement award 

for hours of dedicated work raising funds and helping homelessness in the Erie Community.


1991       Contribute ongoing consulting in the areas of marketing planning and  

    to        marketing research for the following nonprofit organizations:



 1994       Community Shelter Services, Inc. board president for four terms




2002      Athena PowerLink Project

   to        Board of Corporators



2001       Gannon University Small Business Development Center

  to          Board Member



1997    Community Shelter Services, Inc. Erie, PA.

  to       President of the Board of Directors ° Elected to four consecutive terms °



1996   Ecclesia Center, Erie, PA - Board of Directors

  to     Chair of Marketing and Public Relations



2007  WSEE, November 22, interview with Kelley Gaughan regarding Black Friday and 

           an explanation of  consumer shopping behavior patterns.


2006  Erie Times News, November, solicited comments on Black Friday and the  

      retailing kick-off  to Christmas sales.


  2006  Erie Times News, March, solicited comments on retailing and upper Peach Street

            growth including a discussion of shoppers outside the vicinity. Richard Guerraro



 2005 Erie Times News, May, comments were provided on the closing of various

          pharmaceutical stores and the competitiveness of Wal-Mart in the Erie area.


 2002  Erie Times News, November 3, commentary on business intersections and

           retailing: the pros and cons, Richard Guerraro reporter.


 2002  WSEE television broadcast May 12, comments on recent graduates and

           the potential for career employment opportunities after 2002 Gannon

           commencement exercises.


 2002  Erie Times News, March 10, commentary on the importance in developing 

          new small businesses to improve the job market, Jim Martin reporter.


 2002  Erie Times News, March 5, commentary on how independent restaurants compete

          with chain restaurants for dining dollars, Scott Westcott reporter.


 2002   Erie Times News, January 18, commentary on Kmart’s bankruptcy impact to the 

           Erie community, Gary Wertman reporter.    


 2002   WSEE television broadcast, January 17, “Kmart , What Happened?”

            David Belmondo, WSEE reporter.                            


 2002   Erie Time News, January 9, “The Motivation of the Erie Workforce”


 2001   WSEE live television broadcast, November 23, on the topic of “Retailing on  

             Black Friday” Cara Calabreze WSEE reporter.


 2001  Erie Times News, November, The 2001 Christmas shopping season  

          forecast of retail sales in the Erie area.  


 2001  Television Interview Live with Fox 66 News, January, Subject: “The State of

           Layoffs in the Erie Area”, reporter Brian Sheridan


2000  Television Interview on the Christmas Retailing Season for WSEE

          (CBS) affiliate; December, WSEE reporter Cara Calabreze


1997    Ongoing professional contributions on stories concerning business and 

   to      advertising for the Erie Times News.  Some recent published stories included 

present discount department store competitiveness, local supermarket competitiveness, 

            and the expansion of pharmacies and discount store operations in the Erie market.

            Erie Times News reporters - Ryan Fisher and Peter Penapento

           1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007


1995   Elected and served as vice president of Community Shelter Services of Erie 

           Board of Directors consulting in the areas of real estate and public relations.


1991   Community Shelter Services of Erie - Board of Directors

 to       Real Estate Committee Chair, Finance Committee Chair



1993-2003    Rotary Exchange International Erie Student Exchange Chaperone


1990-1992    Habitat For Humanity, general volunteer assistance


1988-1990    Provided the Erie Area Chamber of Commerce and the Erie Excellence       

                      Council with input on promoting the Erie community, working with the

                      Director of the Erie Chamber of Commerce.


1987       Provided marketing research expertise for an Erie Chamber of Commerce

               study addressing: "The State of Retailing in the Erie Community”.





2005 to 2019       University Review Council  (chair)


2002 to present    University Rank, Tenure and Academic Committee – chair 2008-2010


2011 to present     University Graduate Council


2010 to present   Middle States Committee – Integrity subcommittee


2011 to present    Distance Education Advisory Board Committee


2012 to 2013        University Planning and Budgeting Committee

2008 to 2011        


2005, 2006          College Search Committee for the Director of the School of Business


2002 to present    Member of the College Academic Affairs Committee


2002 to present    Member of the Chairs and Program Director’s Committee


2004                     Chaired the Committee to revise the BTS program.                            

                             Successfully launched the ABT – Advanced Business Technology

                             Certificate Program in Fall/04.


McGowan Scholarship Committee Judge 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006


1982 to present    Gannon University Task Force on Student Alcohol Abuse 

                             (P.R.O.M.I.S.E.) Providing Ongoing Management in Social 

                             Environments –monitoring and developing alcohol awareness among 

                             University students 1999 - 2003


Middle States Governing Board Review Committee  Chair   2001- 2002


Freshman Student Faculty Advising Volunteer  2000 - 2005


Directed three years of Freshman Focus Group interviews involving Gannon University students as part of a University requested longitudinal focus group study 1996 - 2000


Pew Charitable Roundtable Discussant (two day seminar) 2000


University Academic Affairs Committee (served three 3 yr. terms) 1986-1989 1990-1993 & 1999-2002


University Planning and Budgeting Committee 1995 -1996


University Middle States Admissions Subcommittee 1993


University Middle States Review Committee (two terms) 1993 - 2001


University Outcomes Assessment Committee 1992 - 1999


University Retention Committee 1996 - 1998


Search Committee for the Dean of School of Business Administration  Chair 1990


University Faculty Development Committee 1989 - 1997  Chair 1992


University Governing Board Middle States Accreditation Committee Chair 2001


University Curriculum Review Subcommittee 1997 -1998


University Student Retention and Recruitment Committee 1997 - 2000


University Braeger Award Referee for Graduate and Undergraduate Papers 1990 - 1999


University Student Conduct Committee (two 3 year terms) 1984- 1987   1993-1996


Academic Affairs Committee - DSBA (two 3 year terms) 1988 - 1991   2000 - 2003


College Accreditation Committee – DSBA 1997 - 2000


College Recruitment Committee – DSBA 1995 - 2000




Michael         J. Messina

+1 8148715755
Office: CBI 305

Contact Michael Messina