Integral Ecology
These seven aims of Laudato Si’ are part of what is called an integral ecology. Integral ecology reminds us that “We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both
social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature. (139)”
So, how can we direct ourselves and engage in the work of integral ecology here at Gannon? By adopting 4 goals: Educate, Research, Advocate, Act.
To Educate means to form global citizens in the principles of Laudato Si’. Education prepares global citizens to participate in meaningful work, engage in active citizenship, model social responsibility, and share God’s love. A comprehensive approach
to education includes transformative action and reflection, promotes harmony with God’s creation, and instills a desire to protect our common home.
To research means to engage in academic activities that consider the implications of integral ecology and promote critical investigation directed toward the seven aims of Laudato Si’. A comprehensive approach to research respects Laudato Si’s call to
integrate knowledge across disciplines, includes the wisdom of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, and acknowledges academic freedom.
To advocate means to raise Gannon’s communal voice to invite deeper reflection on the meaning and implications of integral ecology and to call for concrete and practical action to make progress toward the seven goals of Laudato Si’. Advocacy encourages
individuals and groups within the Gannon community to direct their personal effort and resources to the same ends. A comprehensive approach to advocacy includes outreach to both internal and external constituencies.
To act means to engage in work and foster behaviors that transform our university, local, and global communities according to the seven aims of Laudato Si’. Action reminds individuals and groups within the Gannon community that promoting integral ecology
requires concrete participation. A comprehensive approach to action is dialogic. Action requires careful listening and responsible discernment of the “signs of the times.”
Here at Gannon, we will continue to explore the four goals we introduced in this video and the practical ways we can engage in the work of Laudato Si’ as individuals and as a community.
As Pope Francis reminds us, “Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change.”