- Pre-pharmacy students at Gannon acquire the necessary
prerequisite courses, pharmacy-related experience, and communication
skills to apply to any of the 136 accredited pharmacy schools across the
- Gannon University offers affiliation programs with four
excellent, accredited pharmacy schools, which provide competitive
students with an advantage at the time of application. These are the
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) School of Pharmacy,
Duquesne University Mylan School of Pharmacy, the University of
Charleston School of Pharmacy, and the University at Buffalo School of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
- Gannon graduates have pursued pharmacy degrees at the following
institutions: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, University of
Charleston, Duquesne University, Northeastern Ohio Medical University,
Wilkes University, Idaho State University, Massachusetts College of
Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and St. John Fisher College.
You Will Learn
Pharmacists dispense medications and advise about the proper selection, dosage, interactions and side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Our small class sizes, high-quality academics and customized curricula collectively create a strong foundation for students preparing to apply to pharmacy school. Through a non-degree pathway, students are able to complete the necessary prerequisite coursework (minimum of 60 credits) to apply to pharmacy school in a minimum of two years. Students wishing to obtain an undergraduate degree from Gannon may major in a degree of their choosing (most commonly biology, chemistry or biochemistry). Students are provided with expert advising and numerous resources as they work toward becoming a competitive professional school applicant.
You Will Experience
Gannon University’s pre-pharmacy students have the opportunity to
become well-rounded leaders both in and out of the classroom. Their
involvement in service and scholarship activities helps to prepare them
for a career in the health professions. Pre-pharmacy students are
eligible to participate in:
- Gannon faculty-led research.
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), a program sponsored by the NSF.
- internship experiences either in retail pharmacies or in office and professional positions.
- shadowing opportunities coordinated by the Career Exploration and Development Office.
- workshops reviewing the application process, personal statements, interviewing, etc.
- unique courses including Community Health Coaches (course and
internship), Medical Practice and Training, and an MCAT prep course.
- Gannon University Pre-Health Club.
- Health Professions Theme Community, a residency enrichment program located in North Hall.
You Will Achieve
With relatively high earning potential and the opportunity to complete a professional degree in as little as six years, a career in pharmacy is an attractive option for someone who is motivated to obtain a strong foundation in science and mathematics, is detail-oriented, thrives in a fast-paced and demanding environment and has strong communication and people skills. Such opportunities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- academic pharmacy (education)
- community pharmacy
- compounding pharmacy
- critical care pharmacy (intensive care units/emergency room/operating room)
- drug information specialty
- home care practice
- industry-based pharmacy
- long-term care facility pharmacy
- military pharmacy
- nuclear pharmacy
- nutrition support pharmacy
- oncology pharmacy
- pharmacy benefit management
- public health service pharmacy
- regulatory pharmacy
You Will Earn
The salary for pharmacists is among the highest of all health-related occupations. The median annual salary for these healthcare professionals in 2015 was $121,500.
You Will Study
Gannon University has a long history of helping a number of qualified and motivated students successfully achieve acceptance into pharmacy school. Students interested in completing an undergraduate degree at Gannon may pursue a major of their choice in which they will receive expert advising. They take a balanced and rigorous course load that includes the fundamental science and math courses pharmacy schools require as prerequisite coursework.
Curriculum highlights include hands-on laboratory experiences for most biology and chemistry courses, which are conducted in small interactive group settings of 20-30 students. Some of these courses include:
BIOL 331: Microbiology
The course explores basic traits of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and protozoa) with an emphasis on bacterial structure, communication, physiology (catabolic and anabolic pathways), genetics and growth. Additionally, topics will include microbial associations with medicine, pathogenesis, bioremediation and biotechnology.
BIOL 345: Genetics
This introductory course deals with the principles of variation in plants and animals, but with special reference to humans. Students will be introduced to both Mendelian genetics and some aspects of molecular biology including biotechnology.
CHEM 366: Structural Biochemistry
This course focuses on a systematic study of the biologically important compounds including the amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes, carbohydrates and lipids. Emphasis is placed upon the structure, properties, syntheses, reactions and functions of these compounds.
Liberal Studies Core
The Liberal Studies Core Curriculum is one reflection of Gannon University's commitment to
its Catholic identity. The Core's design offers students a defined, integrated, shared
experience as the foundation for their undergraduate program.