Dr. Krise has broad, interdiscipliary research interests. Some of the projects his research group is working on include:
1. Elucidating the effects that high-frequency ultrasound have on the structure and function of (1) enzymes and other bioorganic/bioinorganic molecules and (2) nanomaterials. In particular, he is interested in determining the role of free-radical species generated during sonication in the possible deactivation or activation of enzymes and the structure and properties of nanomaterials.
2. Developing electrochemical techniques to determine ionic contaminents in commercial polymers.
3. Drs. Betty Jo Chitester (Gannon Unversity, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) and Krise are studying the antibacterial properties of metal nanoparticles. These projects combine elements of inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry as well as biochemistry and molecular biology.
4. Drs. Betty Jo Chitester, Weslene Tallmadge (Gannon University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry), and Krise are examining heavy metal content in spices obtained from bulk food stores.
Dr. Krise has interests in pedagogically-oriented research including such projects as development of mastery-based learning modules, designing flipped-lecture and laboraotry courses and materials, incorporating and assessing the impact of STEM service-learning in chemistry courses, developing, implementing, and assessing writing activities in experimental chemistry courses, and developing and development of novel laboratory exercises for experimental non-major, general, physical, and inorganic chemistry courses.