Catholicism believes that the Church is the on-going presence of Christ in the world. As an
academic community, animated by the Spirit of Christ, Gannon University can look to the
Church as a model of community, its fourth distinguishing characteristic. Thus, Gannon
brings people together in a bond that searches for truth, meaning, and beauty, since true
learning and human living are not to be strictly solitary and fragmented experiences.
This bonding does not occur automatically, but is worked on each day in community
interaction fostered by a spirit of collegiality, a shared vision, and a common mission. In the
words of St. Paul, community means that we treat one another with “heartfelt compassion,
kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one
another” (Colossians 3: 12-13). Gannon is committed to promoting the pastoral care of
all members of the University community, which includes the students, faculty, staff and
administrators of all denominations.
“Treat one another with ‘heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another’ (Colossians 3: 12-13).”
As a Catholic academic community, Gannon can never be self-contained nor self-focused.
Gannon is part of the larger community of the Catholic Church and maintains a sincere
dialogue with the local Church and the diocesan Bishop in order to promote Catholic identity,
develop mutual trust and faithfully contribute to the life of the Church. Such dialogue renews
the Christian inspiration of the University community and provides the opportunity for a
deeper communion with both the universal and local Church. While part of the Church
community, Gannon also enjoys active membership in the academic community. Indeed,
Gannon sees itself as belonging and contributing to the worldwide human community.
“The freedom I have at Gannon is being able to show my faith and not be afraid.
For example, when I pray before I eat in the cafeteria, people do not look at me funny.”
–Gannon Student