Roman Catholicism, along with many Christian denominations, recognizes God as a Community of Three
Divine Persons who are equal, distinct, and intimately connected. Furthermore, the Judeo-Christian tradition
believes that all people are created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, the first defining trait of
Gannon University is respect for the essential equality, diversity, and dignity of all persons.
“Being a Roman Catholic University doesn’t hurt or censor our ideas—on the contrary, it allows greater exploration.”
–Gannon Faculty Member
Respect is the foundational attitude for dialogue, cooperation, and collaboration. It allows us to
recognize that each person has value as we undertake the common enterprise of education. As a Catholic
university, we are motivated by the example of Jesus Christ, whose interaction in a human community
reveals a deep respect for different and diverse people, especially those whose needs are the greatest.
Our belief that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God calls all members of our
community to a profound respect for the dignity of every person. Such respect is demonstrated by
words, actions, and policies that are just.
"Gannon’s environment is marked by a respect for the dignity and worth of its people and their individual opinions, actions, and desires, regardless of the role each plays within the University.”
–Gannon Administrator
Furthermore, as a University born from the heart of Catholicism, we are called to a respect for the
Church and its living Tradition, which has been handed down to us by the leaders and official teachers
of the Church. Gannon students, faculty, staff, and administrators recognize and respect the Catholic
identity of our University, and are called to a mutual respect for each other. As a Catholic university,
Gannon enjoys the freedom and accepts the responsibility to foster Catholic teaching, including the
principles of Catholic social teaching. Central to that Tradition is the call to:
- Protect the dignity of the poor and the marginalized in our culture and surrounding community;
- Respect for all human life;
- Foster peace and justice;
- Eradicate poverty and unlawful discrimination;
- Develop all people to their full potential to promote the growth of human culture.
Recognizing that our community is made up of different and diverse people, we are called to actions
which manifest respect for one another and the mission of the University.