At the center of the Catholic Tradition is the Paschal Mystery – the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ that brings salvation to all people. This is Christ’s service to humankind, which defines the third distinguishing trait of our Catholic
university – service. As an institution that seeks to imitate Christ’s selfless response to the needs of others, service is a constant challenge that is to mark all aspects of our daily work and responsibilities.
“God gave us gifts so that we could use them to help others. Things don’t bring joy. Actions do because they take our minds off ourselves and let us live as Christ intended.”
–Gannon Student
Gannon seeks to educate students by combining academic and professional development with the social teachings of the Church. At a more fundamental level, the University helps students recognize, develop and use the gifts God has given them. These gifts
are given for service in their vocations and professions, enriching both church and society (cf. Luke 22:27, Matthew 20:28).
“Today, I am bowled over by the depth of students’ spirituality—not just in church, but in
“their service to their communities. Their humility and desire to serve others is inspiring.”
–Gannon Staff Member
Our Catholic environment is rich in opportunities to carry out the types of individual and community services reflective of those performed by Christ during his public ministry, especially by his death on the cross. His attentiveness to the needs of others,
most particularly the poor and the marginalized, and his human commitment to respond to those needs are constant challenges to each member of the Gannon community to imitate him in all aspects of daily service to others. Realizing that service gives
meaning to life, we, in the image of our selfless Christ, embrace our institutional commitment to service and all its inherent responsibilities.