Joshua D. Maurer

  • Assistant Professor

My research interests and focus has been on legitimacy, first impressions and resource acquisition in new ventures. More recently, I have focused on generative AI and its role in disruptive innovation. I have been published in journals such as Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Business Research and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. For nearly a decade, my research has also been presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, or the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. As my career has migrated towards business analytics, I will be presenting two papers at the Decision Sciences Institute conference in late 2023 regarding the legitimacy of generative AI and generative AI’s innovative attributes and role in supply chain operations.

  • Washington State University, Carson College of Business, PhD in Business Administration, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, 2018
  • University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, Master of Business Administration, 2009
  • Winona State University, Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Minor: Aviation/Airway Science, 2004

Certified Flight Instructor

Public Accountant, Wipfli LLP and Clifton Gunderson LLP (auditor)

• Analyzed financial statements and firm performance.
• Created and prepared financial statements.
• Evaluated organizational efficiency.
• Presented financial implications.
• Investigated financial discrepancies.
• Assembled general ledgers.
• Audited primary and secondary business functions.
• Shaped tax statements and information.
• Coordinated employees across multiple organizations.
• Applied analytical procedures and developed trend analysis.
• Tested for proper internal control applications.
• Developed meaningful recommendations to management.
• Communicated and offered suggestions to CEOs, board members, and heads of various departments.
• Retrieved and gathered confidential information from personnel at all levels.

  • Maurer, J. D., Creek, S. A., Allison, T. H., Bendickson, J. S., & Sahaym, A. 2023. Affiliation rhetoric and digital orientation in crowdfunding appeals. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 190: 122441.
  • Creek, S. A., Maurer, J. D., & Kent, J. K. 2023. Perceptions of market orientation in emerging economy entrepreneurship: evidence from crowdfunding. International Journal of Emerging Markets. In Print.
  • Maurer, J. D., Creek, S. A., Bendickson, J. S., McDowell, W. C., & Mahto, R. V. 2022. The three pillars’ impact on entrepreneurial activity and funding: A country-level examination. Journal of Business Research, 142: 808-818.
  • Cowden, B. J., Creek, S. A., & Maurer, J. D. 2021. Gender role congruity and crowdfunding success. Journal of Small Business Management, 59: 134-152.
  • Maurer, J., Davis, P. E., Bendickson, J. 2016. The knowledge of outsourcing: A knowledge-based view perspective.  Journal of Marketing and Strategic Management, 10: 75-94.
  • Taylor, E. C., Bernerth, J. B., Maurer, J.  2016. Running on empty: The effects of aggregate travel stress on team performance. Journal of Business and Psychology: 1-19.
  • Maurer, J., McLarty, B., Bendickson, J., Liguori, E. 2014. Social representations of entrepreneurship. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 25: 97-131.
  • Liguori, E.W., Maurer, J., Bendickson, J., Weaver, K.M. 2012. What really impacts local business climate: Evidence of the need for entrepreneurship-friendly policy and entrepreneurial role models. In B. Ran (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Joshua          D. Maurer

+1 8148715494
Office: CBI 326

Contact Joshua Maurer