Nora A. Schillinger

  • Adjunct Lecturer
    History Program
  • Adjunct Lecturer

Hello! I'm Nora Schillinger, an adjunct lecturer in History for Gannon University. I teach American History as well as our freshman course History Without Borders. I have a varied educational and employment background; when I was in high school, I really wanted to become a professional chef. Life, however, had other plans. A few years after graduating, I found that I had a knack more for the people side of things than I did working in the kitchen! I eventually realized that I could combine my dual loves of both food and history and work toward a degree that combined the two. My focus during my undergraduate and graduate study was tracing the history of various human endeavors via food production and consumption.

While food history is my main area of study, I am fascinated with a number of subjects: Music history, crime history, cults and cult figures, and pop culture history. You could call me a "history magpie," I guess!

I'm originally from a tiny farm town in Southwestern PA, but now live in Erie with my husband and anywhere from two to three cats. I do a lot of gardening, a lot of travel, and a lot of reading. Oh, and I still like to cook.

  • History Without Borders (LHST 111)
  • US History to 1865 (HIST 221)
  • US History 1865-Present (HIST 222)
  • Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Master of Arts in Social Sciences, 2016
  • Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Dual Bachelors of Arts in History and Anthropology (summa cum laude), 2014
  • Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts, 1998

“L. Ron Hubbard” 
ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of World Religious Figures
Scott E. Hendrix and Uchenna Okeja, Editors
Greenwood Press, 2018

“Sun Myung Moon”
ABC-CLIO Encyclopedia of World Religious Figures
Scott E. Hendrix and Uchenna Okeja, Editors
Greenwood Press, 2018

“‘A Localized Menace’: Russian Witchcraft in the Seventeenth Century”
Visions and Revisions: New Scholars, New Interpretations Volume VIII, 2015

“The Fruits of their Labor: WWI Women in the Kitchen”
Paper presented at the Ohio Academy of History Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, March 2017

“Shite ‘n’ Onions: Culture and Society through the Irish Punk Movement”
Paper presented at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2017

“Young, Loud, and Pretty: Punk Rock and Northern Ireland”
Paper presented at the Drew University Transatlantic Connections Conference, Donegal, Ireland, January 2017
Presented award for Outstanding Contribution in Pop Culture/Music/Arts Category

“When Rosie Goes Home: Patriotism in the Kitchen During World War II”       
Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, November 2016
Nominated for the Ralph Donald Award for Outstanding Paper/Presentation

“Spain, Sugar, and Slavery: The Emergence of Cuban National Cuisine in the Nineteenth Century”
Paper presented at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2016

“Strawberry Fields Forever?: The UFW’s Fight for California Strawberries”       
Paper presented at the National Labor History Conference, Detroit, MI, October 2015

“Feasts, Fasts, and Fad Diets: Christian Women and their Foodways”
Paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2014

“From Major McNair to Mad Anthony: Erie’s Brewing History and Renaissance”
Presented at the Pennsylvania Historical Association’s Annual Meeting, Gettysburg, PA, October 2013