Mengzhong Zhang

  • Professor
    Master of Public Admin
  • Program Director, MPA
    Master of Public Admin

Dr. Mengzhong Zhang is an Associate Professor and MPA Program Director at Gannon University, USA. Dr. Zhang joined Gannon University in 2018. Previously, he was the Associate Dean at the School of Public Affairs and Administration of Rutgers University-Newark, USA. He served as a Research Professor and Master's Degree Program Director at the School of Public Policy of the University of Maryland at College Park, USA.

At Gannon University


I have taught the following Courses:


GMPA 510 Introduction to Public Administration

GMPA 512 Introduction to Nonprofit Organization

GMPA 530 Public Personnel Administration

GMPA 610 Public Budgeting Systems

GMPA 630 The Public Policy Cycles

GMPA 799 Research in Public Administration

GMPA 797 Public Administration Capstone Project


Rutgers University-Newark, Public Administration, Ph.D. 2004

Renmin University of China, Public Administration, M.A. 1991

Lanzhou University, Nuclear Physics, B.S.  1984

Dr. Mengzhong Zhang has been a member of American Society for Public Administration since 1997

Selected Publications:


• Qi, T., & Zhang, M. (2024). Exploring the Stressors and Coping Mechanisms of Chinese
               University Instructors Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Higher Education
               Theory and Practice, 24
(10), 36-53

• Zhang, M., & Bhattacharjee, B. (2024). Evaluating The Impact of E-Governance on 
              Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of Bangladesh.  Malaysian Journal of 
              Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 9 
(9): e002960

• Zhang, M., & Sahli, A. (2024). Social media’s role in public administration. 
               Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(10): 6472.  

• Zhang M, & Kaur M. (2024). Toward a theory of e-government: Challenges and  
               opportunities, a literature review. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and 
               Development. 8
(10): 7707.

• Zhang, M., & Devi, S. (2024). Toward a Theory of Motivation and Performance for
               Organizational Employees: A Case Study of a Walmart Store in the USA.
               Public Administration Research, 13 (2): 9-28

• Zhang, M., & Sapiev, A. (2024). Review of the Factors Leading to Corruption in Russia
               International Journal of Law and Politics Studies, 6(3): 145-163
               DOI: 10.32996/ijlps.2024.6.3.13

• Zhang M, & Shahid R. (2024). Enlightening Bangladesh: Navigating power sector
                 challenges through PPP excellence.
                 Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 8(3): 2529.

• Zhang, M. & Bhattacharjee, B. (2023). Challenges Prevailing in Bangladesh Civil Service: A  
                       Brief Analysis.  Public Administration Research, 12 (2), 59-68.
                       DOI:10.5539/par.v12n2p59; URL:

• Bennett, E., & Zhang, M. (2023). The Expanded Child Tax Credit and Educational Attainment 
                      in Rural, Majority- Minority Communities. Journal of Economic Analysis, 2(4), 47–

• Shuruq, Altwaijri &  Zhang,M. (2023). New Patterns of Internal Communication in Public
                       Organization: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia. Public Administration Research, 12   
                        (2), 1-16.

• Zhang M. &  Batjargal, T. (2022). Review on new spending of United States Bipartisan
                     Infrastructure Bill. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy  and Development, 6(2): 
                     doi: 10.24294/jipd.v6i2.1507

• Alqahtani, A. & Zhang, M. (2022)   Government Performance in Developing
                   Countries. Journal of US-China Public Administration, May-June 2022,19 (3), 
                    doi: 10.17265/1548-6591/2022.03.004

• Batjargal, T. & Zhang, M. (2022). Review on the Public-Private Partnership. 
                   Management Studies, Jan.-Feb. 2022, 10(1): 1-
                   doi: 10.17265/2328-2185/2022.01.001

• Batjargal, T. & Zhang, M. (2021). Review of key challenges in public-private partnership
                   implementation. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, 5(2): 
                   doi: 10.24294/jipd.v5i2.1378

  • Min-Hyu Kim, Huafang Li, Marc Holzer & Menghong Zhang (2020). Public Administration Research in Mainland China: An Update. In PUBLIC 38.

• Holzer, M. & Zhang, M. (2019).  Reflections on the Continued Relevance of Selected Articles Authored by Western Scholars in the First Decade of the Chinese Public Administration Review (2002-2009) .  Chinese Public Administration Review, 10 (2), 5-7.

• Kim, M.-H., Li, H., Holzer, M., & Zhang, M. (2019). Public Administration Research in Mainland China. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing.

• Holzer, M., Zhang, M. & Hu, W. (EDs.). (2019). Administrative System Innovation and Building a Public Service-Oriented Government.  Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

• Zhang, M.& Shen, J. (2019). Implementing Community Policing to Construct the Harmonious Society in China: A Case Study of Suzhou Model. In Holzer, M., Zhang, M. & Hu, W.(Eds.),  Administrative System Innovation and Building a Public Service-Oriented Government,pp.284-319.  Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

• Kim, M.H., Li, H., Holzer,M., & Zhang,M. (2018): Public administration research in mainland China: A systematic review of Chinese public administration in English language journals (1996–2016).  International Journal of Public Administration, 41 (8), 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2018.1506936

• Zhang, M. & Holzer, M. (2017). Chinese administrative reforms: A replica or derivative of the Western NPM model? Chinese Public Administration Review, 8 (1), 23-36.

• Zhang, M. & Qi, Y. (2017).   Grand Strategies for Dealing with Chinese Local Government Debts. Management Studies, 5(2), 91-107. doi: 10.17265/2328-2185/2017.02.002.

• Zhang, M. & Jiang,H. (2016). Performance management at provincial level in China: A case study of Jiangsu. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 13 (5), 293-321. Doi: 10. 17265/1548-6591/2016.05.001.

• Zhang, Mengzhong and Jian Sun. 2014. “A Sino-US Comparative Study of Local Government Public Service Contracting-out,” Published at Fudan Public Administration Review, first issue of 2012.  In Feng Cao edited book  “Classics of Public Administration of China (1978-2012) [Social Sciences Academic Press (China), June 2014]. (Chinese)

• Zhang, M. (2013). Policy transfer across national boundaries: A case study of South Korea's knowledge cooperation projects [Paperback]. Deutschland, Germany: Scholars' Press. pp224.

• Dong, K., Holzer, M., & Zhang, M.(eds). (2012). Century-long efforts at improving government performance and fighting the fiscal crisis. Proceedings of the 4th and 5th Sino-U.S. International Conferences on Public Administration. Washington, DC:  American Society for Public Administration.

• Zhang, M. & Sun,J. ( 2012).  Outsourcing in municipal governments:   Experiences from the U.S. and China. Public Performance & Management Review (PPMR), 35 (4): 696-726.

• Zhang, Mengzhong and Wei Zhou. 2010.  “Civil Service Reform in China.” In Evan M. Berman M. Jae Moon and Heungsuk Choi (eds).  Public Administration in East Asia : Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan (145-163).   CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group.

• Holzer, M. & Zhang,M (eds). (2009).  Comparative Chinese/American Public
Administration(Supplement to Volume 69, 2009).  Special Issue for PAR (Public
Administration Review.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 160 pp.

• Zhang, M. (2009). Crossing the river by touching stones: A comparative  study of administrative reforms in China and the Unites States.  Public Administration Review (Supplement to Volume 69), S, 82-87.

• Holzer, M. & Zhang, M. (2009). Introduction to the special issue on comparative Chinese/American public administration.  Public Administration Review (December, Supplement to Volume 69), S, 5-12.

• Dong, K.,Holzer, M. & Zhang, M. (eds). (2007).  Constructing public service oriented
government.  Beijing, China: Renmin University of China Press. 414 pp.

• Holzer, M., Zhang,M., & Dong, K. (eds). (2006).  Frontier of public administration: Conference proceedings of the 3rd Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration.  Jointly Published by the United Nations Public Administration Network and the American Society for Public Administration.   413 pp.

• Zhang, Mengzhong and Jianhua Zhang. 2006. “Building the Public Health Emergency Management System of the People’s Republic of China.”  Raza Ahmad (ED), The Role of Public Administration in Building A Harmonious Society (662-673).    Asian Development Bank.  

• Zhang, Mengzhong. 2006.   "Administration reforms in China: Globalization or Localization?" in Ali Farazmand and Jack Pinkowski (eds),  Handbook of Globalization, Governance, and Public Administration, (553-584).  Marcel Dekker.  

• Zhang, M. & Wang,Q. (2006).  Correctly recognize the relationship between income and cleanness of civil servants on high income fostering cleanness under some conditions. Genesis: A Caravan (India),(5), 10-20.

• Zhang, M. (2006).  Assessing China’s 1994 fiscal reforms: An intermediate Report.  Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, 18 (4):453-477. 

• Zhang, C. & Zhang,M. (2005). Public administration and administrative reform in China for the 21st century— From state-center governance to the citizen-center Governance.  Genesis: A Caravan (India),(5), 40-47.                   

• Zhang, M. (2005). A historical review of central-local fiscal relationship in P.R. China. American Review of China Studies, 6 (1): 77-88.

• Zhang, Mengzhong. (2005). “Poverty Alleviation through Effective Public Service Delivery,”  Jak Jibes (ED),   the Selected Conference Proceedings of the launching conference of the Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG). Asian Development Bank.

• Zhang, Mengzhong. 2005. “A Review of Public Administration in the USA for the Past One Hundred Years.” In Xun Wang and Guoli Liu (eds),  Social and Behavior Science. Organized by the Society of Chinese American Professors & Scientists. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press and Chicago: Interpress Inc. (Chinese)

• Zhang, M., Holzer, M., Hu, X., & Dong, K. (eds). (2004). Challenges and opportunities in public administration. Guangzhou, China: Zhongshan University Press.  389pp.  

• Holzer, Marc and Mengzhong Zhang. 2004. “Public Administration, Trust and Performance, ” in Marc Holzer and Seok-Kwan Lee (eds),  Public Productivity Handbook (215-229). Second Edition. Marcel Dekker.

• Holzer, M. & Zhang, M. (2004). China's fiscal reform: The issue of extra budgeting.    Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management,  16 (1):19-39.

• Zhang, M. & Straussman,J.D. (2003). Chinese administrative reforms with Japan, British and United States characteristics?  Public Administration and Policy, 12 (2), 143-179.

• Zhang, M. & Holzer,M. (eds). (2003).  Economic globalization and strategies of Chinese public administration. Guangzhou, China: Zhongshan University Press. 361 pp. 

• Zhang, M. & Holzer, M. (eds). (2002).  Chinese public administration in exploration. Guangzhou, China: Zhongshan University Press.   471 pp.


• Zhang, M. (2002). Information technology policy-making in P.R. China.  International Journal of Public Administration, 25 (5), 693-721.

• Holzer, M. & Zhang, M. (2002). Chinese Public Administration Review: An introduction. Chinese Public Administration Review, 1(1), 5-8.

• Guo, J. & Zhang, M. (2002). The development of the Chinese Public Administration Society.  Chinese Public Administration Review, 1(1): 9-16

• Straussman, J.D. & Zhang, M. (2001). Chinese administrative reform in international Perspective.  International Journal of Public Sector Management, 14 (4&5), 411-422.  (This article was awarded “The most outstanding paper” for the Journal’s 2001 volume).

a. Service to the University

Service to the university consists of service on university wide committees, College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (CHESS), MPA program activities, and other general services opportunities. Each are described below.

i. Service on University Committees

• Graduate Council (2018-current). 
• Certificate Task Force (2019- 2020).
• 4+1 Task Force (2019).
• GA Task Force (2020).        
• WIG 1300 Committee (2019-2020)
• Faculty Senate (2022-)
     Task Force: Emeritus Professor
ii.    Service on CHESS Committees

       CHESS Academic Affairs Committee (2019-2022).

OLL Ph D Dissertation Committee (2019-current). I have served the dissertation committee for the 5 doctoral students.

iii.  Service to the MPA Program.

1) 2021. Under the guidance of Dr. Hallock, I had worked on a proposal to develop a MPA STEM Designated Program. This proposal was approved in early 2022.
2) 2021.  I had worked with Dr. Hallock and submitted the MPA 4+1 Accelerated Graduate Program. The proposal was approved in January 2021.
3) 2020. I had worked with Dr. Hallock and submitted the Substantial Changes for the   online MPA program proposal. The proposal was approved in April 2020.
4) 2018-2019. I have submitted the Substantial Changes for the MPA program curriculum, which has changed 11 course syllabi among 12 courses of Gannon University’s MPA program. This change was approved by the university in April 2019 and began to be implemented in fall 2019.
5) Helped the stable and growth of the MPA program (2018-current). 

iv. Other University Services

1) I have served as the Ground Peer Observation faculty for Dr. Anjali Sahay’s course
LBST 383 (05) Global Migration, Population, and Health on Nov 3, 2021.
2) I have served as the Ground Peer Observation faculty for Dr. Hallock’s course.
GOLL 812: Organizational Analysis, Structure and Design on Oct 26, 2020.
3) I have served as one of the team members for OLL Assessment in 2020 and 2021 respectively.
4) I have been invited by Dr. Michelle Zimmerman and have done her Ground Peer Observation (Nov 8, 2018. Evening 6:00pm to 8:30 pm).
5) Celebrate Gannon (2019). I have voluntarily served as the judge of Celebrate Gannon on April 11,2019. “The phrase Celebrate Gannon has always held a special meaning here at GU. It represents an opportunity for Gannon students to showcase all of their accomplishments in research, creativity, and engagement. During the annual poster presentations in Erie and Ruskin, we get the chance to see, hear, and celebrate our students’ hard work and talent.”
6) Search Committee Member (2019). In June 2019, I was invited by Mr. Thomas B. Hassett
to be a member for the search committee for the Director and Assistant Director of Global Admissions and Outreach.
7) Developing MOU (2019).  I have coordinated the development of MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between Gannon University, Erie, United States of America
and Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai, Shandong China.
8) Developing Cooperative Agreement (2019-2021). I have drafted and coordinated the development of the following agreement.
This Cooperation Agreement (“Agreement”) is between the College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (hereafter CHESS), Gannon University, and School of Public Administration, Shandong Technology and Business University.

b.  Service to the Profession of Public Administration

i. Peer Review.

Over the past decades, I have been invited to review academic articles (manuscripts) by a number of academic journals over the past years (more than half are top journals in public administration):
• Public Administration Review
• Political Analysis
•  Public Performance & Management Review
•  International Journal of Public Administration
•  Chinese Public Administration Review
•   International Review of Administrative Sciences
•   Public Administration and Development
•  Urban Affairs Review
•  Comparative Technology Transfer and Society
•  Journal of Public Management and Social Policy
•  Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions.
•  Public Finance and Management
• Infrastructure, Policy & Development (JIPD).
• International Journal of Adult Education and Technology

ii. Service for Academic Journals
1) Associate Editor of the Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development (JIPD) (2016-current). 
2)  Academic Board member, Fudan Public Administration Review (China) (2006 -current).
                      Fudan Public Administration Review
3) Editor Board member, Journal of Public Management and Social Policy (JPMSP) (USA)
         (2005 –current).   
5)  Editor Board member, PUBLIC VOICES (USA)  (2002-2016)
7)    Holzer, M. & Zhang,M (eds). (2009).  Comparative Chinese/American Public
                         Administration(Supplement to Volume 69, 2009).  Special Issue for PAR (Public
                         Administration Review.  Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. 160 pp.(English)

iii. Conference Chair and Panel Moderator/Convener
1) Conference Panel Moderator and Discussant (2020).
2)  Conference Co-Executive Chairs. The 7th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration. June 6th-7th, 2014•Beijing•Renmin University of ChinaAmerican Society for
               Public Administration Section on Chinese Public Administration, USA
3)  Conference co-executive Chairmen. June 09, 2014, Shanghai, P.R. China.  International Meeting on Building A Public Servicing Government and Administrative System Innovation.
4)  Vice Chairmen, International Symposium on Public Service, Local Governance and Performance, Organizers, School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Center for Public Administration, Nanyang Technological University. Venue: Room 306, Haoran Hi-Tech Building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Date: Nov 21—22, 2012
5) Session Chair. The Sixth Sino-US Public Administration International Symposium June 5th-6th, 2012, Renmin University of China
6) Session Chair. Session 4: Evolution of Asian Public Administration: India and Iran.  (Feb 18, 2012).  Discussant of Session 2: Contexts of Asian Public Administration: East Asia (Feb 18, 2012). International Conference on Knowledge-Building in Asian Public Administration Research and Education: Current Research Trends and Future Challenges. Organized by Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University. February 17-18, 2012. 
7)  Co-Chairmen for the Fifth Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration.
                    Theme: Financial Crisis and Role of Government.
                     June 14-17, 2010, Xiamen City.
8)   Program Chair for The Fourth Sino-US International Conference
             on Public Administration. June 6th to 8th, 2008
            Panel Chair: Taxation and Financial Management, June the 8th, 2008.
            Panel Chair:  Toward an Efficient and Effective Government: Goals and Processes.
                                    June the 8th, 2008
9)  Commentator for the Speech by Prof. Zhang Chengfu, Renmin University of China, “Building Public Service-Oriented Government.” The 3rd Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration, June 8-9, 2006. Beijing, P. R. China
10)  October 21-22, 2005, Panel Chair: “2005 International Conference on Public Administration”.   Chengdu, P.R. China. Hosted by School of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, P.R. China. 
11) Discussant, “Conference on Public Budgeting and Finance Reforms in Transitional China” Co-sponsored by Chinese-in-America Association for Public Affairs, School of Government of Sun Yat-sen University, School of Public Policy and Administration of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Guangdong Public Finance Association. 14-15 June 2005. Guangzhou, P.R. China. 
12)  May 25, 2005, Moderator/Commentator for Session 5: University-Industry Linkages in Korea and China.  University-Industry Linkages in Metropolitan Areas in Asia: A Research Conference sponsored by the World Bank and the Social Science Research Council Co-Hosted by the National University of Singapore, May 24-25, 2005.

13)  December 7, 2004, Chair, workshop on Effective Public Service Delivery at the Launching Conference of the Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institute of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG), organized by the Asian Development Bank and the National Institute of Public Administration (Intan)-Malaysia.
14)  May 23, 2004, Panel Chair at the Second Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration, Renmin University of China.
15)  March, 2003. Panel Moderator, “Building a Powerful Public Service in PR China in the 21st 
                            Century,” ASPA 2003 Annual Conference, March 15 to 19, Washington, DC.                           
16)  June 16 of 2002:  Panel Chair for the First Panel of the First Sino-US Conference on Public Administration in Beijing. Panel members:  Profs. Shuzhang Xia, Marc Holzer, Terry Cooper, Owen Hughes, Donald Klingner. Panel Discussant: Edward Jennings
17)  June 13 to June 27, 2002.   Zhang Mengzhong was the General Secretary of ASPA delegation to Chinese Public Administration Society (CPAS) and to the First Sino-US Conference on Public Administration in Beijing, jointly sponsored by ASPA, CPAS and Renmin University of China.
18) March, 2002.    Panel Moderator, “Building a Trustful and Accountable Public Service 
in PR China in the 21st Century, ASPA 2002 Annual Conference, 
March 22 to 26, Phoenix, Arizona.
19)  March, 2001      Panel Moderator, “Public Administration and Administrative Reform in 
                           PR China for the 21st Century,” ASPA 2001 Annual Conference, 
                           March 9 to 13, Newark, NJ.

iv. Service to American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) is a membership association of almost 10,000 professionals in the United States sponsoring conferences and providing professional services primarily to those who study the implementation of government policy, public administration, and, to a lesser degree, programs of civil society. Its annual conference is an important meeting for those interested in bureaucracy, civic engagement, program evaluation, public management and other public administration topics, such as budgeting and budget theory, government strategic planning, policy analysis, contract administration, personnel management, and related topics.
Wikipedia. Executive Director: William P. Shields Jr.  Headquarters: Washington, D.C.
Founded: 1939  President: Kendra Stewart  Abbreviation: ASPA

1) I have coordinated and facilitated the first seven of ASPA and Chinese Public Administration Society (CPAS) cooperated academic conferences, implemented by Renmin University of China and Rutgers University-Newark, from 2002 to 2014 (2002, 2204, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014).
2) I was one of the two launching chairs (2006-2014) of Section on Chinese Public Administration of ASPA.
3) I was the launching Managing Editor of Chinese Public Administration Review, which is affiliated with the Section on Chinese Public Administration of ASPA. I served the position from 2002 to 2014.

c. Service to the Community

1) I was a volunteer on the Third Annual Youth Civic Engagement Symposium. In Recognition of Constitution Day. September 14, 2018 (Partially organized by Erika Ramalho, Director of Communication & Government Relations).
2) I have participated in the activities of The People's Summit on June 25, 2019, fr m 5- 8 p.m., Bayfront Convention Center, 1 Sassafras Pier, Erie, PA 16507.
3) I have volunteered on September 20, 2019, for Youth Civic Engagement Symposium
4) I have participated in the Parent-Teacher Conference at Klein Elementary School in September 2019
5)  I have volunteered for KLEIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’s Book Fair on Thursday, September 19, 2019.
6) I have joined the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force of Erie Arts & Culture and have participated in the monthly activities since May 2019.
7) Speaking to high school students for a Career Day Thursday May 23, 2019 at the Wattsburg Area Middle School. Contact: Vincent DiMichele, School Counselor, Wattsburg Area Middle School. 10774 Wattsburg Road, Erie, PA 16509
8) I have joined the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force of Erie Arts & Culture and have participated in the monthly activities for 2020.
9) Worked with Dr. Hallock and Mr. Jared Merritt, I have attended a promoting MPA program activity at Allegheny College on January 29, 2020.
10)  Participated in an activity to donate money and purchase face mask for Erie local hospital’s effort in fighting COVID-19 in April 2020.
11) I am now a Board Member of The Nonprofit Partnership (Spring 2022 - present).
The Partnership is a membership-based organization that provides an extensive array of program and support services to a community of more than 400 member nonprofits. Since 2006, The Nonprofit Partnership has served the nonprofit community by providing education, training, consulting, and information-sharing tools. The Partnership was founded by, and works closely with,

Mengzhong       Zhang

+1 8148717840
Office: PC 2223

Contact Mengzhong Zhang