Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? That's okay! Embarking on an international journey can include lots of questions about what to expect. We're tackling some of the most common questions right here and are always happy to meet with students to answer any other questions that come up during the study abroad process!
Why should I study abroad?
There are lots of reasons why you should study abroad! Some of the simplest answers are: to learn a new language, get to know another culture first-hand, learn about yourself, and also to enhance the value of your degree! Don't believe us? This is a great article outlining 25 reasons why you should take the plunge and study abroad!
When should I start looking at study abroad programs?
It's never too early to start thinking about studying abroad! If you're even the smallest bit interested in studying abroad, you should talk to your advisor to let him or her know so that your course schedule can be arranged accordingly. Once you've met with your advisor and learned which semester you can go overseas, and which courses you should take while overseas, you can set up an appointment with the Office of Learning Abroad for more details.
What kinds of study abroad programs are offered?
Through the Office of Learning Abroad, Gannon offers programs ranging from one week to one academic year in length. Students can enroll in GIFT Courses, courses which integrate 1-4 weeks of travel into a course that satisfies Liberal Studies Core, major/minor requirements, and/or electives as early as the spring semester of their first year. Beginning the summer after their first year, students can enroll in summer study abroad programs, which typically last anywhere from 2-12 weeks in length. And lastly, depending on students' majors, students are able to study abroad beginning in the second semester of their sophomore year.
When should I study abroad?
Most students will study abroad during their junior or senior year, which is the most common time for a study abroad semester. However, students' majors will determine when that study abroad semester will be. However, students can participate in GIFT Courses as early as their second semester of their first year.

How do I know if I can do a semester abroad?
This is why meeting with your advisor early on in the process is key! Your advisor will let you know whether or not a semester abroad fits into your schedule. As a matter of fact, most of our academic programs have major study plans that incorporate a semester abroad, which gets most of the hard work out of the way for you!
What if a semester abroad doesn't fit into my schedule?
If a semester abroad doesn't fit into your schedule, you might consider opting for enrollment in GIFT Courses or a summer study abroad program. Some of our summer study abroad programs are long enough in length that it will feel like you've spent a whole semester abroad!
I've never traveled before. How do I know if studying abroad is the right decision for me?
Don't be discouraged if you haven't traveled before--everyone has to start somewhere! Instead of committing to a full semester program right away, you might want to consider participating in a GIFT Course first. That way, you have the experience of traveling for 1-4 weeks at time, in a guided environment, which will allow you to dip your toes in the travel waters and figure out whether it's the right choice for you!
Will studying abroad affect my housing at Gannon?
If you are studying abroad and planning to live on campus upon your return, it is suggested that you remain in contact with the Office of Residence Life during your semester away. If you are studying abroad in the fall semester and plan to live on campus upon your return in the spring, we recommend reaching out to the Office of Residence Life about halfway through your semester abroad to let them know of your interest in on-campus housing. If you are studying abroad during the spring semester and want to live on campus the following fall, you will be able to participate in the online housing process that takes place in the spring.
Do I need to speak a foreign language to study abroad?
You do not need to speak a foreign language to study abroad through Gannon. With the exception of our partner universities in Chile, France, and Spain, all study abroad courses are taught in English. It should be noted, however, that there are courses in France and Spain that are taught in English as well. If you haven't already studied or aren't currently studying a foreign language, why not take a language course while studying abroad? This will deepen your experience and facilitate easier communication with the locals!

Is studying abroad expensive?
The costs incurred by students while studying abroad depend on the program the student has chosen. Gannon has partner with a number of worldwide universities to offer a tuition exchange program for students, which significantly lowers the cost of the experience.
Can I use my financial aid?
Students who spend a semester abroad at one of Gannon's partner universities will be able to use their state and federal financial and and any applicable Gannon financial aid and scholarships. Students who choose to study via one of Gannon's affiliate partners will be able to use state and federal financial aid, but not Gannon University aid. Lastly, students who participate in summer study abroad programs may use state and federal financial aid if they are taking at least six credits.
Are scholarships available?
Yes! Learning Abroad scholarships are available for students participating in semester or full year exchange programs, summer study abroad programs, and GIFT Courses.