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Ask a Student

  • We recognize that each student is a unique individual with different interests, strengths, and dreams.  Our goal is to help students create a sense of belonging on campus by providing them with a variety of opportunities to find their fit.

    To learn more about what it is like to be a Gannon Knight, follow these steps to start a conversation with a current student, admissions staff, or faculty.

    1. Select a Gannon Buddy (student/staff/faculty member)
    2. Select "Create Your Account"
    3. Complete your brief profile
    4. Adjust your communication preferences under "settings"

    Response Time: Most questions will receive an immediate response but some may take up to 24 hours, depending on the Gannon Buddy's schedule. Students and staff will chat M-F and are active during normal work hours, Eastern Time Zone. Chat about what life is like on/off campus, academic programs, why students chose Gannon, what challenges students face, what student/staff like most and other Gannon-related questions.

    Note: Currently, this service only supports undergraduate inquiries.