Make a Gift

Employee Payroll Deduction

  • Gannon employees play an integral role in the success of every GU student. Our faculty, staff, coaches and administrators provide a seamless experience for GU students to thrive academically, professionally, spiritually and personally. The well-being of our institution begins with the passion and dedication that our employees have for transforming the life of every student.

    The payroll deduction program is a convenient way for employees to make a gift to the Gannon Fund or another area of the University that they are engaged with. Through the hard work, respect and generosity of our employees, Gannon will continue to excel into the future.

    Please fill out your payroll deduction form today to be enrolled in this program. Or, you can reach out to Jordan Saeli, Associate Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Communications, if you have any questions. Thank you!

    We TRANSFORM LIVES by creating EXTRAORDINARY MOMENTS and everyday connections that INSPIRE OTHERS to become their BEST SELVES.

    Employee Payroll Deduction Form