Online Preparation for Careers in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology
Gannon University offers courses that fulfill prerequisites for graduate programs in speech language pathology or audiology. Courses are available each semester in an online, seven-week format, providing you with the flexibility to plan and schedule the
courses you need. Direct entry options to Gannon University’s Speech Language Pathology programs in Erie, Pa. and Ruskin, Fla. are also available.
- Connect with other students exploring the basics of speech and hearing.
Learn from licensed speech-language pathologists certified by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.-
Map your plan for a career in speech-language pathology or audiology with strategic guidance.
Flexibility to Meet Your Needs
- An application is not required to take these courses.
- Each 3-credit course is 7 weeks, online and delivered asynchronously.
- All six courses can be completed in three semesters.
- Only enroll in the course that you need.
Enrollment Guidelines for Success
- Successful completion of 60 credits of college coursework.
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in college coursework.
Inspire Your Academic Success
Prepare yourself with the foundation courses to pursue advanced degrees in speech-language pathology and audiology through key
courses including:
Anatomy and Physiology of Communication: Study the structures and workings involved in speech, language, hearing, chewing
and swallowing.
Phonetics: Study acoustic, linguistic and articulatory properties of speech sounds using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Normal Speech and Language Development: Explore the building blocks of acquiring language and speech, including the brain,
genetics and environmental factors that impact these timelines.
Speech and Hearing Science: Gain knowledge of how speech is produced, acoustics of vowels and consonants, synthetic speech
and speech analysis.
Introduction to Audiology: Explore the scope of practice, anatomy and physiology of hearing mechanisms, hearing science and
audiometry, and learn methods for assessing and rehabilitating hearing disorders.
Communication Disorders in Children and Adults: Study genetics and prevalence of communication disorders, consequences
of untreated disorders and treatment approaches.